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3-DAY Equinox Transmission
Description: Over Sept 22-23-24 join me live or on replay from Madrid for our 2023 Equinox transmission and energetic grid work to clear our mind, open our energetic pathways and receive new information in our cells to walk our embodied path and take an active part in creating our lives and developing our communities. All you need is yourself, a quiet alone space for your practice, a yoga mat or comfortable sofa, the practices will be mostly seated, head phones and a journal if you want to take notes
SEPT 22-23-24
Duration approx. 60 minutes
11AM Eastern Time
Where: on zoom.
You’ll receive the email and the link upon registration. Yes, you will have access to the recording when you sign up and once the event has passed.
Day 1 – Clearing: Day 1 is about extracting and cutting cords that cloud your mind and keep you anxious, in doubt, waiting around for the right time, or that keep you in your small self, in recurring patterns of self sabotage.
Day 2 – Receiving: Day 2 is about healing and most specifically physical healing, if you have limitations or an injury or chronic condition this is a great time to show up to practice togather. We will go into embodied meditation and we will allow ourselves to receive new energetic codes and information into our DNA for our physical wellbeing.
Day 3 – Activating: Day 3 will focus on activating the grid work within ourselves and the Earth, we will align and together, as a worldwide community, we will focus on what our heart chooses to attract in the present moment, amplifying our manifestation power.
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